What Campaign Projects Raise the Most (and Least) Amount of Money?

Every church situation is unique, but some projects are definitely easier to raise money for than others.  Here is the rough order that I’ve observed in over 120 church capital campaigns.  But remember, never launch a campaign for a project just because it’s relatively easy to raise money for.  Only launch a campaign for something that your church really needs.   Your members will not stretch for something that you don’t need.

In general, simplicity is better than complexity.  A single project raises the most money.  The more projects a campaign includes the harder it is to raise money.  Multiple projects also make it easier for members to find something to object to.

1. Construction of a new church sanctuary on new property

2. Construction of a new church sanctuary on current property

3. Preservation / Renovation of a beloved sanctuary

4. Other Construction Projects
       - Family Life Center
       - Youth Rooms / Wing
       - Christian Education Wing

5. Preservation/Renovation of Church Buildings
       - A Leaky Roof (the more rain coming through the ceiling the better)
       - Accessibility Projects (elevators, ramps, etc.)
       - Kitchen
       - Bathrooms

6. Specified Ministry/Mission Campaigns(this category has the greatest variation.  Such campaigns can be very popular or very blah)

7. Debt Campaigns

8. Pipe Organ Campaigns (unless there is an appreciative pipe organ constituency with the money to fund it)

9. Endowment Campaigns(to fund endowments that typically generate a 4-5% return for the church annual budget)
       - Raising money to seed an endowment
       - Raising money to grow an endowment
       - Raising money to pay back a loan that the church too out from its own endowment to fund          a capital project(The longer it’s been since healthy payments have been made toward such          loans the harder it is to pay such debts off.)

10. Campaign for unspecified ministries and missions (concrete raises money.)

11. Reserve for Major Maintenance(One of the easiest things to raise money for is a leaky roof.  The absolute hardest thing to raise money for is a reserve fund for a potential leaky roof. )